Ko wai mātou? -All about us

Tēnā koutou e te whānau nau mai haere mai ki te whārangi o te akomanga 20.  Greetings to all our friends and family and welcome to room 20's blog page.

We are Ngā Kōhine Kāhu , an all girls classroom,  years 6-8, within the Te Whānau Āwhina Māori bilingual unit. 2017 is our year. New goals, new classmates, new year, and a new teacher.  Each week we will be posting up what we are learning, school events, important dates, school trips and much more.  This will be our koha to all our whānau to join us on our journey this year through our blog page. So check back every week to get your weekly update on whats happening in akomanga 20.  Nō reira e te whānau kia tau te rangimarie ki runga i a tātou katoa. Mauri Ora.

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