Saturday, February 18, 2017

Introduction Letter

Tēnā koutou

 E ngā mātāwaka
E ngā maunga whakahī
He mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa

I te taha o tōku matua
Nō Ngāpuhi ki Kaikohekohe ia
Te manawa o Te Taitokerau
Nō Ngati Porou ki Tūparoa hoki ia
Te ūranga mai o te rā
 I te taha o tōku whaea
Nō Aitutaki  ki Vaipae ia
Te whenua taurikura o ngā motu o Te Moana-nui-a-kiwa
Ko Matina Grace tōku ingoa
He kaiako hou ahau mō Ngā Kōhine Kāhu o te akomanga 20
Mauri Ora

My name is Matina Grace (Whaea Matina), and I am in my first year of teaching. I am humbled to be teaching in Te Whānau Āwhina this year. I am from Ngāpuhi, Ngati Porou and Aitutaki.  I was raised here in Manurewa, South Auckland, and continue to live and raise my little whānau here  as well. We are proud to call Manurewa our home. I am teaching in Room 20 which is a Year 6,7 and 8 all girls class, that currently consists of 25 students.  I am excited to be a part of your child’s learning development this year, and look forward to working collaboratively together to raise academic achievement for your child.
‘Mā te iwi e tipu e te tamaiti’ We all work together as an iwi, a village to raise and nurture the well being of the child.

Class Blog – Please follow our blog for weekly updates of what your child is learning. Leave us a comment and join us on our journey for the year.
Hui Whānau- Bring the whānau to our Te Whānau Āwhina hui. Enjoy a kai, get to know the teacher, find out about all the upcoming events. A pānui will be sent home for these hui dates. Our first hui will be held Monday 20 February 5.30pm in our school whare.
TWA facebook page –This is another way to check for updates and what’s happening in TWA. (Te Whānau Āwhina Clendon Park School)
Homework Requirements Homework will start in week 4.
Māhi Kāinga
Kupu Hou
New words, spelling

Assist your child to read, write and spell and use their words in a sentence.
Reading log and a book to read
Please listen to your child as they read and write any comments in their homework book, sign and return.

Basic facts to practise and word problems to solve. 

Assist your child to instantly recall (within 3 seconds) their basic facts.
Homework can be completed throughout the week and then returned the following Monday. If you notice your child doesn’t have homework, please contact me so we can monitor them.
Queries or concerns
If you have any concerns or queries, please arrange an appointment with the office staff prior to coming in (Before 8.50am and after 3.00pm), or contact me via email.

I look forward to meeting all the parents of these wonderful young ladies and hope to see you at our first TWA hui whānau.
Kia tau ngā manaakitanga me te rangimarie ki runga i a tātou katoa

Whaea Matina